International Francophone Institute

The international conference "Digital Transformation and Human Security"

On October 18th, the International Francophone Institute (IFI), Vietnam National University, Hanoi, in collaboration with the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF), the Francophone University Agency (AUF), the International Francophone Institute (2IF) - Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University, successfully organized the international conference "Digital Transformation and Human Security."

The conference was supported by the French-Vietnamese Friendship Association (AAFV), the French Institute in Vietnam (IFV), the Global Education Group Galileo (GGEF), the Digital Transformation Strategy Institute (DTSI), Linagora Vietnam Corporation, the Institute of African and Middle Eastern Studies (IAMES), the Business Support Center of Hanoi City - Hanoi Department of Planning and Investment, Vietnam DX, Vietnam Post and Telecommunication Commercial Joint Stock Bank, and Saigon-Hanoi Commercial Joint Stock Bank (SHB).

The forum also saw the participation of representatives from embassies, diplomatic institutions, international organizations, universities, domestic and international businesses, as well as scientists, researchers, experts, business representatives, educational institutions, media agencies, and press from within and beyond the French-speaking community.

The conference commenced with a plenary session under the theme "Digital Transformation and human security". It featured a keynote speech by Mr. Ngô Tự Lập, the former Director of the International Francophone Institute and the President of the Scientific and Academic Council at IFI. He delivered a speech on "Digital Transformation and Human Security."

Discussing human security in the digital age from a new perspective, Mr. Ngô Tự Lập emphasized that digital transformation was a pressing issue not only within the academic and media realms but also in the policies of various nations. However, he noted that people are currently overly focused on the benefits of digital transformation, such as cost and time savings, unlimited sharing, and environmental friendliness due to reduced reliance on traditional materials, etc., while neglecting the negative impacts of these changes. Mr. Ngô Tự Lập also observed that digital transformation is no longer a trend but is gradually becoming a way of life, a new civilization with numerous issues, including human security.

According to Mr. Lập, the challenges of human security in the digital age encompass five major concerns: (1) human dependence on vulnerable technological infrastructure, (2) the emergence of "digital empires," (3) the emergence of "digital prisoners," (4) de-socialization of humans, and (5) the dominance of Post-Artificial Intelligence. In particular, Mr. Ngô Tự Lập stressed the concept of "Post-Artificial Intelligence," a technology that is currently affecting and will continue to impact human life. Post-artificial intelligence not only has problem-solving capabilities but also the ability to self-learn, self-complexify, and, notably, self-generate increasingly complex issues. Sooner or later, this innovation will surpass human control and become the most significant challenge of digital transformation. Therefore, it is essential for individuals and collective efforts to ensure human security in the future. 


Mr. Ngô Tự Lập, former Director of the International Francophone Institute and President of the Scientific Council and Training at IFI
Mr. Ngô Tự Lập, former Director of the International Francophone Institute and President of the Scientific Council and Training


The plenary session, which provided a broad overview of human security, concluded, and the in-depth lecture session titled "Human Security Issues - Perspectives from Various Fields" continued vibrantly with presentations from speakers representing institutions such as the Polytechnic Institute of Paris, the University of Yaoundé II, Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University, the Multidisciplinary Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (CREPIA), the French National Institute for Sustainable Development Research (IRD) in Hanoi, the French Language Center in Senegal, the Institute of Strategy and Science of the Ministry of Public Security, the Galileo Global Education Group, and E Hospital.


Dr. Nguyễn Trần Thủy, Deputy Head of the Department of Cardiac Surgery and Thoracic Surgery, Director of the Training Center and Supervisor of Line B at E Hospital, with the presentation on 'Smart Hospital Model Applying Digital Technology.'
Dr. Nguyễn Trần Thủy, Deputy Head of the Department of Cardiac Surgery and Thoracic Surgery, Director of the Training Center and Supervisor of Line B at E Hospital, with the presentation on "Smart Hospital Model Applying Digital Technology."


Mr. Philippe Awono Eyebe, Professor-Researcher in Political Science and International Relations, Faculty of Political Science at the University of Yaoundé II and Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University, and Director of the Multidisciplinary Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (CREPIA), with the presentation on 'Artificial Intelligence and Human Security.'
Mr. Philippe Awono Eyebe, Professor-Researcher in Political Science and International Relations, Faculty of Political Science at the University of Yaoundé II and Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University, and Director of the Multidisciplinary Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (CREPIA), with the presentation on "Artificial Intelligence and Human Security."


Ms. Caroline Rizza, Research Associate at the Polytechnic Institute of Paris and the French National Institute for Sustainable Development Research (IRD) in Hanoi; President of the ISCRAM Association (2019-2023) on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, with the presentation on 'Citizen Responsibility and Climate Change: Which Digital Technology Challenges for Humanity'
Ms. Caroline Rizza, Research Associate at the Polytechnic Institute of Paris and the French National Institute for Sustainable Development Research (IRD) in Hanoi; President of the ISCRAM Association (2019-2023) on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, with the presentation on "Citizen Responsibility and Climate Change: Which Digital Technology Challenges for Humanity"


Mr. Olivier Feix, Technical Advisor, Training Coordinator, and Cybersecurity Lecturer at the Galileo Global Education Group, with the presentation on 'Impacts of Artificial General Intelligence in Work Processes and Organization.'
Mr. Olivier Feix, Technical Advisor, Training Coordinator, and Cybersecurity Lecturer at the Galileo Global Education Group, with the presentation on "Impacts of Artificial General Intelligence in Work Processes and Organization."
Mr. Bùi Thanh Tuấn, from the Institute of Strategy and Science of the Ministry of Public Security, with the presentation on 'Human Security and International Cooperation for Human Security in Vietnam.'
Mr. Bùi Thanh Tuấn, from the Institute of Strategy and Science of the Ministry of Public Security, with the presentation on "Human Security and International Cooperation for Human Security in Vietnam."
Ms. Gaёlle Isabelle Itông, Project Coordinator, Eduk-Médias France Organization (France)
Ms. Gaёlle Isabelle Itông, Project Coordinator, Eduk-Médias France Organization (France)


In addition to the two main keynote sessions, the conference also featured a discussion session led by Ms. Đặng Hồng Khanh, Deputy Director in charge of Research at the International Francophonie Institute (2IF), Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University, France, and Mr. Đào Tùng, Head of Training & Student Political Affairs at IFI, who served as the moderators. During this session, questions were raised to foster discussions and dialogues regarding the concept of human security in the digital transformation era, opportunities and challenges in ensuring human security in the Industry 4.0 context in Vietnam and other countries worldwide, policies, the establishment of suitable institutional and legal frameworks to strengthen human security in the current landscape.

The conference took place in a lively and earnest working atmosphere, with active participation from speakers and guests. It concluded successfully at Vietnam National University, Hanoi on the afternoon of Wednesday, October 18, 2023. Click here to read the entire presentations of the conference. 

Author: Hạnh Nguyên - IFI-COM