International Francophone Institute

International conference: "Future Communications: Rethinking Societies, Cultures and Governance"

In an era marked by individual-centric paradigmsand existential fragility, the Department of Electronic Media and Mass Communication at Pondicherry University, India, is collaboratingwith esteemed partners from across the globe. The International Conference on "Future Communications: Rethinking Societies, Cultures, and Governance," scheduled for 8-10 April 2024, stands as a testament to our collective commitment to address the pressingissues that permeate our contemporary world. Join us at Pondicherry University in person or online and be a part of this global conversation on Future Communications.

Last date for submission of registration form with abstract: 28 February 2024
Notification of acceptance of abstract: 7 March 2024
Last date for submitting the registration fee: 18 March 2024
Last date for submission of presentation slides: 2 April 2024
Last date for submission of fulltext paper: 2 September 2024

International conference: "Future Communications: Rethinking Societies, Cultures and Governance"