International Francophone Institute

Activities of IFI international students during the pandemic COVID 19

Activities of IFI international students during the pandemic COVID 19
As of March 27, 2020, Vietnam is still well controlling the epidemic with a total of 153 infected people, 17 of whom have been cured and without any deaths. Vietnam was successful in the early stages of combating the COVID 19 epidemic.

Entering phase 2, when Europe is becoming the focus of the epidemic, experts predict that, despite Vietnam's previous experience, there still will be thousands of people infected, starting from 600–4.000 and 40–160 deaths. However, having applied a great number of specific, drastic, and effective solutions, Vietnam has been controlling the disease well up to now.

In pursuance of the directive of the Prime Minister, the National Steering Committee for Prevention of acute respiratory infections caused by new Corona virus strains, based on the conclusion of the Steering Committee for Prevention and Control of acute respiratory diseases (Covid-19) of Vietnam National University on March 9, 2020, VNU decided to abstain from organizing any events for students in lecture halls from March 9, 2020 until further notice, deploying online learning activities at the same time.

In this situation, IFI has duly instructed more than 95% of foreign students, most of whom live in the VNU Dormitory, about disease prevention. In case of any health concerns or questions, students are strongly advised to contact:  Ms. Nguyễn Cẩm Linh via the hotline: 0243 754 9505 ext 4


Covid 1
Application of information technology in teaching and learning activities
Group work activity of IFI student in the VNU campus