IFI to set up a sub campus in Africa

FRIday - 27/12/2019 01:08
IFI to set up a sub campus in Africa

For the first time, a delegation from IFI and VNU, Hanoi had a working visit to Africa to meet potential partners and discuss about setting up a sub-campus of IFI in the continent. The mission took place from November, 22 to December 03, 2019 in Cameroun, Democratic Republic of Congo and Senegal.

In Cameroun, the Delegation, including Mr. Ngô Tự Lập, IFI’s President of Scientific and Academic Council/ Director, Mr. Phạm Xuân Hoan, Head of VNU Finance Department, VNU and Mr. Dao Tung, Head of IFI’s Department of Science, Technology and Development, had fruitful meetings with the leaders of Polytechnic University and Younde University 1.

Ảnh lưu niệm với GS. Etoua, Hiệu trưởng ĐH Bách Khoa, ĐH Younde 1 (đứng giữa)
Souvenir photos with Prof. Etoua, Rector of Polytechnic University, Younde University 1, Cameroun (middle).

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the delegation had a working session with the leaders of University Kinshasa (UNIKIN).

With the leaders of University Kinshasa (RD Congo)

Ảnh chụp tại Đại học Kinshasa (Congo)
With the leaders of faculty of Sciences of the University Kinshasa (DR Congo)
Tham quan lớp học
Classroom visit at Kinshasa University (Congo)

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In Senegal, the delegation had a working session with the leaders of Cheikh Anta Diop University.

Đoàn chụp ảnh với GS Alassane BAH – Trưởng khoa tin học và các sinh viên trường ĐH Cheikh Anta Diop (Senegal0
  The souvenir photos with Prof. Alassane BAH - Head of Informatics Department and students of Cheikh Anta Diop University (Senegal)

The visits have opened opportunities for multilateral cooperation, IFI will deploy MOU signing ceremonies to implement:

  • IFI will open M1 Masters programs at partner Universities in Africa
  • IFI will cooperate in exchanging lecturers and researchers between IFI and partner schools
  • IFI will invite scientists to submit scientific research articles for publication in IFI's FAP journal
  • IFI will invite experts to attend the annual interdisciplinary academic seminars (DAAS) organized annually by IFI in Vietnam.

 Key: #IFI, Africa
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