Résumé : C’est le récit d’un jeune Vietnamien né à Hanoi dans les années 40 du XXème siècle dans lequel il évoque le vécu de son enfance. Au village et dans la capitale, il a traversé avec sa famille les événements marquants de cette époque, les années de paix de courte durée suivies des bruits de la guerre qui ont marqué son enfance.
Mots clés : Enfant, Hanoi guerre, dispersion.
Abstract : It is the account (story) of a young Vietnamese who was born in Hanoi in the years 40 of the twentieth century in which he evokes the experiences of his childhood. In the village and in the capital, he crossed with his family the marking events of that time, the years of short-term peace followed by the rumors (sounds) of war that marked his childhood.
Keywords : Child, Hanoi War, Dispersal.
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Ths. Trần Thị Quyên, Phòng Quản lý khoa học và Hợp tác phát triển
Phòng 601 Nhà G7 - Viện Quốc tế Pháp ngữ - ĐHQG Hà Nội, 144 Xuân Thủy
Số điện thoại: 0983363879307 / (84-24) 3745 0173 + 307
Email: tran.thiquyen@vnu.edu.vn
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